Locksmithing, welding, assembly

From the very beginning (since its foundation), 4S-2000 Ltd. has a high quality manpower regarding locksmiths, welders, assemblers. In 2019, the company created separated halls to carry out these works, which allows welding, assembly, and semi-finished storage to take place on an area of approximately 1,300 square meters. Twenty of our colleagues operating in this field have all the qualifications and typically decades of professional experience needed for performing these work processes. We can accomplish a very wide range of machine manufacturing and assembly by providing predominantly in-house resources, so many of our customers are happy to entrust us with the full mechanical implementation of their machines - often completed with electrical installation operations. Since the turn of the millennium, we have been serially assembling machines based on strict process requirements and documentation. In recent years, our electrical installation capacity has also increased, so more and more customers are relying on us to manufacture their machines complete with electrical installation work.

Craned assembly hall, professional assembly tables

High performance welding machines, ISO 3834 certification

Electrical installation competence, complete machine assembling

Solvent painting chamber with drying installation, electrophoretic painting in subcontracted work


Assembly, engineering, welding services on a wide range

Assembly, engineering, welding services on a wide range


4S-2000 Ltd. provides for its customers a wide range of heat treatment and surface treatment services - typically for ordered parts and machines. However, our company also provides a separate service for chemical browning and natural anodizing, not to mention the sandblasting and vibration deburring. We also carry out in-house the stress release of parts manufactured for our customers. Our customers' parts and machine elements most often require hardening, cementing, zinc-plating, anodizing, galvanizing, nitriding technologies, which we perform with well-established partners. As a result of our long-term good relationship with them, we can count on their help quickly and flexibly, be it custom or small-series production. In 2019, our chemical browning workshop doubled and a service crane was installed. In 2020, our sandblasting and deburring machine has moved to a separate department, which will enable increased efficiency in this activity as well.

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