Opportunities for Central European mechanical engineering companies

Opportunities for Central European mechanical engineering companies


The emerging new international situation could automatically strengthen the mechanical engineering potential of Central European countries.

Several tragic events have shaken and shake the world economy in recent years. After the coronavirus that has been with us for more than two years, we are witnessing an international conflict affecting the whole world. After the events of recent weeks, the economy, and within that the mechanical engineering industry, has not calmed down to this day. The greatest uncertainty may be the supply of raw materials and their prices in the near future or even in longer term.

Based on the experience of the last weeks, the management of 4S-2000 Ltd. sees that despite supply and material price problems, there are many opportunities to procure the necessary raw materials to meet the increased order quantities, even in case of materials that are in shortage. The company has made significant developments and investments in recent years, as result of which its capacity has increased 1.5 times. The expansion of capacity will continue in 2022 with the acquisition of two machining centres, among others, so it is still waiting for its new, potential customers, for whom it will be able to produce in high quality, with high capacity and high accuracy provided by the new machines.

However, the negative events that have taken place in the world over the past two years may also present opportunities for mechanical engineering companies in Central European countries. Global companies in Europe may face the same phenomenon due to both the coronavirus and the Ukrainian crisis; supply chains are fragile and raw material resources are insufficient. In the coming period, both the institutions of the European Union and global companies are expected to make significant improvements in order to reduce the exposure of European industry and to increase competitiveness, the winners of which will be the local small and medium-sized enterprises.
